Friday, December 23, 2005

Doogle Gesktop!

I just barely got Google Desktop to work on my computer! It's a Desktop searching program that is pretty sweet! (If you can get it to work) I was having problems getting it to work and I found out that it is because I have two users on my computer and it doesn't support two users. But other than that it's really nice! With it's nifty sidebar that you can put customizable panels on. The panels include email, news, photos, maps and a bigillion other things. And-of course-you can search your own computer for files, music, pictures and other such stuff.

The bottom line: Google Desktop is a...well...a desktop searching program. It's good.

(Maybe some other time I'll do a Copernic Desktop Search versus Google Desktop test to decide which is better...) Stay iTuned!

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